Thursday, September 3, 2009

Unbeatable scores!

DAMM IT! Baby Cheng had frustrated me! A LOT! I really mean A LOT!! She had beaten my high scores for the Minesweeper "Expert" with 99 bombs!

She was extremely excited with her result that she called me up at work, telling me of her achievement.


Minesweeper's High Scorers

I am sure that there are still many other better players that can beat this score, but least, this is something that we can be proud of, despite me always having my wrist twisted. Not bad huh?



Ryan_L said...

well....i can't really remember my record...but i know i can beat ur sis's record. LOL...mine is below 100sec.

WeLoveOutings said...

Wow..that's awesome! Luck counted in? >.<

Ryan_L said...

erm...luck and skills la...if i not mistaken, my best result is 94sec. I don't think i can break it least not in this year...hahhaha